Contents - Index

Overview Model Run

See also: ENVI-met Knowledgebase, ENVI-met Interface 




The following section gives an overview over the different steps executed in the model. It is a good help to determinate the locations of errors and problems in the model run.


A) Technical model start 

A1) Initial work

a) Initial data setup 

b) Memory setup

c) Creating directory tree


A2) Database setup 


b) Read SOURCES.DAT +local sources

c) Read PLANTS.DAT +local plants


A3) Simulation files setup

a) Read Area Input File

b) Collect Receptors, Remove invalid Receptors


A4) Database work


b) Link Area Input File to PROFILES.DAT


A5) Other things

a) Create grid

b) Prepare output files

[Check-only runs end here]


A6) Calculation of other required data

a) Max radiation at noon

b) SOR coefficients

c) Wind speed model top


B) Initialisation

a) Init 1D model (all data)

b) Init 3D model

i. Initial diastrophy

ii. DEM properties

iii. Initial values 3D

iv. Initial exchange coefficients

v. Wind field diastrophy

vi. Init all variables 3D except wind

vii. Calculate wind field for 10 sec


C) Main loop

a) Set main time step according to solar height

b) Update DEM diastrophy

c) Update radiative fluxes 

d) Calculate or update wind field

e) Update model

i. 1D and 3D atmospheric data 

ii. Soil model: Temperature and water

iii. Surfaces: Temperature, Humidity,...

f) Update plant physiology

g) Update sources emissions

h) Write output files

(Repeat loop until end time)