Contents - Index

C-a: Set main time step according to solar height 


To increase the numerical stability of ENVI-met it is recommended that you use smaller time steps than the default 10 sec during the time of high energy fluxes. As the intensity of turbulent processes is directly related to the solar radiation, the selection of time steps is coupled to the solar height.

See [TIMESTEPS] Section for more details. Here, the actual time step is selected depending on the settings and the actual solar height. 


Save time step during model spin-up:


During the frist 30 min of model simulation time (spin-up phase), the time step is set to category 2 to increase the numerical stability


Possible Problems & Solution:


No known problems. 


If you model has numerical troubles, especially during or after noon, change the [TIMESTEP] settings and use SMALLER values for dt.