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A-A1-b: Memory setup  


Prepares the memory for the simulation. Might take some time.


Possible Problems & Solution:


The computer seems to freeze, memory setup takes a long time: 

Maybe you do not have enough physical memory (=memory bars) in your computer. Check the memory requirements: 

up to 80x80 grids: 128 MByte

up to 100x100 grids: 256 MByte

up to 200x200 grids: 512 MByte

up to 250x250 grids: 1 GByte (-yes- 1 GB) 

Memory is inexpensive in these days and if you want to work in numerical simulation you should invest a few bugs in your computer.

There is nothing which replaces real memory !



Can I have a dynamic version of ENVI-met that adjusts to the real size of the model?

No. Dynamic arrays are way to slow for a numerical model.