Contents - Index

The ENVI-met Interface





Different to most other software products, the user will not spend a lot of time working with the ENVI-met interface itself. 

The main purpose of the interface is to load and start your simulations. 

You cannot use the interface to change your simulation settings (except those options available via the Advanced Settings Tab)!

In order to change simulation settings, you have to modify the responsible file (Configuration File, Area Input File,...) in the associated editor. 

The reason for this is the following:

If you change simulation settings using the interface and then start the simulation, you might not be able to trace your changes afterwards. After several weeks you find astonishing results and you can't remember what you have changed.


The interface has three different view modes that can be selected using the registry at the top:



Configuration shows the Configuration Panel and the selected Configuration Page.

ENVI-met Output displays the output window of ENVI-met

ENVI-met shows the "About" page.


On the right hand side you find the main Control Panel, where you can select and start your simulations. In the configuration mode,  Configuration Panel for selecting the configuration page is on the left hand side.


To find out more about the interface, click on the figure below or choose a keyword from the list:



Configuration Panel               

Minimize Checkbox                  

Area  Definition                  

Output Options                  

Simulation Timing

Meteorology, Location

Building Properties

Soil Properties

Plant Model

Sources Model


Advanced Settings


Control Panel

Model Environment

Test Model

Run Model