This is an old revision of the document!

ENVI-met eLibrary

With more than 20 years of developement progress, many things have changed in the ENVI-met system. Some modules have been replaced by others, some have been improved and others might be more or less the same like in version 1.

It is impossible - and it alsow won't make sense- to create, edit and maintain one big mongraphy for the ENVI-met Sytem in whole. This has been done for my Ph.D. thesis about Version 1.0 in 1999 and it was, in parts, maintained until version V3.1.

Since the mid 2000, updates and documentations of the ENVI-met systems are organized in smaller papers related to specific aspects of the modelling system. These papers might be either special reports written for documentation puposes or selected published papers containing detailed descriptions of the relevant modules.

Below you will find a list of these technical reports or other papers which in total provide a more or less complete and actual documentation of the ENVI-met system.

For more papers, including those not directly related to technical documentation, please refe to our Research Gate Profiles: Michael Bruse: Helge Simon: Tim Sinsel:

Technical Reports

Technical Reports are detailed descriptions about specific aspects or modules of ENVI-met.

Vegetation Model The quick access to all applications and the cockpit for running your simulations. More...

ENVI-met Core This is the central calculation module, the “ENVI-met Model” itself. More...

Monde WorldEditor Digitize your model environment. More...

Spaces Bringing your designs and environments into the computer. Transform your plans and ideas into Area Input Files More...

LEONARDO Analyse your model results and create 2D and 3D maps. More...

BioMet A post processing tool for ENVI-met output files to calculate PMV/PPD, PET or UTCI More...

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