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Receptors are selected points inside the model area, where processes in the atmosphere and the soil are monitored in detail.
For more information about the data stored in the receptor files, look here.

Defining receptors in ENVI-met works in two ways: You can define receptors inside the model area input file (add link) as well as in the .CN file. Although both methods have their strengths, defining receptors in the .CF File is basically kept for compatibility reasons.
Normally, all receptors are stored in the area input file and the [RECEPTORS] section is only used to define the output interval for the files.

00: [RECEPTORS]_______________________________________
01: RECEPTOR 1 Coordinate                     =6,6
02: RECEPTOR 2 Coordinate                     =10,5
03: RECEPTOR x Coordinate                     =20,20
n : Save receptors each ? min                 =30

What do the lines mean?

Lines 01 to 03: Receptor Co-ordinates

The position of the receptors is given using the x,y co-ordinates.
The nesting-grids are added by ENVI-met. Use the co-ordinates as seen in the area input file editor.
Each lines MUST begin with RECEPTOR. The first line NOT beginning with RECEPTOR will be interpreted as the end of the receptor definition block.
Receptors defined in the .CF file are added to the receptors in the area input file. As they do not have names, they will just be numbered.
If you don't want to define receptors in the .CF-file, just add the following line to the file

Line n: Output Interval (Default 30 min)

The first line not beginning with RECEPTOR will be interpreted as the line defining the output interval.
The output interval for receptors can be different to the output interval of the main files (normally smaller).

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