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The DBManger is the central application to manage the different ENVI-met database tables ranging from building materials over soil profiles up to pollutant sources. It offers a distinct set of tools to provide overview and easy access to data stored on your system and helps you to view, edit and add datasets.

For a basic overview over the ENVI-met database concept, see The ENVI-met Database System

Working with DBManager

Database tables managed by the DBEditor

  • Soils: Properties of different natural and artificial soils
  • Soil Profiles:Different soil types as vertical sandwiches of soils
  • Materials: Basic collection of different materials that can be use in walls
  • Walls: Sets of building walls and roof composed out of 3 layers of different materials
  • Single Walls: Sets of single and thin walls consisting of one material
  • SimplePlants: Simple 1D plants such as grass.
  • Sources: Emission profiles for different pollutant sources.

General working steps

  • Editing data
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