Contents - Index

Meteorology / Location Panel

Shows all relevant information about the meteorological data and the selected location


Basic Meteorology


Wind Speed and Direction, 

Initial Temperature Atmosphere, 

Specific Humidity and Relative Humidity

Values are given in the Main section of the Configuration File.


Cloud Cover 

Fraction of low, medium and high clouds as defined in the [CLOUDS] section of the Configuration File


Adjustment Factor for Solar Radiation 

As defined in the [SOLARADJUST] section of the Configuration File.

You can preview the calculated values by pressing "Preview..."

Click here to hear more about this dialog


Boundary Conditions for T,q and TKE

The lateral boundary conditions are defined in the [LBC-TYPES] section.

see also Knowledge Base Lateral Boundary Conditions


Turbulence closure 3D Model

Choice of turbulence model as defined in the [TURBULENCE] section