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Subscribe to the ENVI-met User List

The ENVI-met User List is a self-registering (and un-registering) mailing list operated by, Essen, Germany.

The propose of the list is to

  • monitor the number of users using ENVI-met
  • have an active communication channel to distribute bug messages, news and other urgent things that cannot wait to be read by the user incidently.

The list is stored on our servers and will only be used for ENVI-met related communication. You can change your data or sign-off any time using the links provided by your registration e-mail and any e-mail send over the ENVI-met list server.

Email address
Confirm your email address

I prefer to receive emails in HTML format


Family Name:
Given Name:


What is your primary background for using ENVI-met?

Student Teacher Professional


What is your home country:

In which topics are your interested when using ENVI-met:

Fluid dynamics Outdoor Thermal Comfort Architecture and Microclimate
Landscape Architecture and Microclimate Landscape Architecture and Plant Health
Pollutant Dispersion Building Energy Simulation


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