This is an old revision of the document!

Installed features

This page demonstrates the use of installed plug-ins of the dokuwiki running on the ENVI-met server. If you think that an important plug-in is missing, please send a mail

Top Menues

The top menue is controlled by a file “topbar” which can be different in every namspace.

The format is like in a list

The topbar page should not be linked on the pages themselves, hence it's adress must be typed in manually in the browsers URL.

Math type

We have installed the MathJax plug-in. This allows to write mathematical formulas, variables etc inline (like $x_i$) or as in “display-style” like

$$ e=m \cdot c^2 +5 \cdot z$$

using the standard $\LaTeX$ syntax (or MathML if you like). That should not only make text writing much easier (no equations as bitmaps required), also you can copy&paste most of the already existing documentation math directly into the wiki. Rendering of the equations is done client-side using JavaScript and an external server. Therfore, for a moment the original syntax will appear before it is replaced by the graphical output.



Imagebox: Additional wikipedia-style and referencing is installed for images. This add not only a nice box around the image, but also allows to give th image a correct caption and a number that can be referenced in the text.


<imgcaption image1| This is my little caption></imgcaption>

As it can be seen in <imgref image1> the cross reference works.

Images must be uploaded using th media-manager. The proper boxing and sizing of the images seems not to work all the time. maybe use a different extension here?


dokuwiki theme

For the moment we use a mofified “simple” theme calles envimet_simple.

Using wow slider

Add (or modify) meta.html in /lib/tpl/<template name> Add:

<!-- Start HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine1/style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/jquery.js"></script>
<!-- End HEAD section -->

(as produced in the HTML file if exported to folder in the WowSlider program) This will add the lines above into the <HEAD> section of any dokuwiki

Copy folder “engine1” to main folder of the wiki. If a different folder should be used, modify the path above.

Copy “data1” folder to the main folder of the wiki. If different slider should be used, use a different name for the folder for each slider set.

Copy the main html parts from the generated file into the Dokuwiki page, where the slider should appear. Use HTML Tag in Dokuwiki

<!– Start BODY section –>

<div id="wowslider-container1">
<div class="ws_images"><ul>

<li><img src=“data1/images/titel3.jpg” alt=“Vektors” title=“Vektors” id=“wows1_0”/>Showing the vectors and the colors</li> <li><img src=“data1/images/titel3d.jpg” alt=“titel3d” title=“titel3d” id=“wows1_1”/></li> </ul></div>

<a href=“#” title=“Vektors”><img src=“data1/tooltips/titel3.jpg” alt=“Vektors”/>1</a> <a href=“#” title=“titel3d”><img src=“data1/tooltips/titel3d.jpg” alt=“titel3d”/>2</a>

<a href=“”>Slideshows for Websites</a> by v4.0

<div class="ws_shadow"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/wowslider.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="engine1/script.js"></script>
<!-- End BODY section -->

Rename “data1” if images are stored somewhere else. If “engine1” has been copied to a different folder, rename this path as well… That's it

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