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Main File Surface/Flux (_FLX_)

This section describes the different data field stored in the main file for the surface and fluxes at the surface (…_FLX_…).
This file is only two-dimensional with a constant z=0.

The data stored in the .EDT files are in binary format and can be extracted using LEONARDO or XTract.

FIELD                     UNIT               MEANING  

z_topo                            m          Absolute Height of Model ground surface (always 0 in recent version)
T Surface                         K          Ground surface temperature
T Surface Diff                    K          Difference of ground surface to reference surface
T Surface Change                  K/h        Change of ground surface temperature
q Surface                         g/kg       Specific humidity of surface (availabe vapour)
uv Above Surface                  m/s        Wind speed at the first grid level above ground surface
Sensible Heat Flux                W/m²       Sensible heat flux into the air (+: towards air)
Exchange Coef. Heat               m²/s       Exchange coefficient for heat between sruface and air
Latent Heat Flux                  W/m²       Sensible heat flux into the air (+: towards air)
Soil Heat Flux                    W/m²       Heat flux into soil (+: directed towards deeper layers)
SW Direct Radiation               W/m²       Direct shortwave radiation reaching ground surface 
SW Diffuse Radiation              W/m²       Diffuse shortwave radiation reaching ground surface 
Lambert Factor                    0..1       Value of Lambert's law for solar angle
Longwave Radiation Bud.           W/m²       Longwave radiation budget of ground surface 
Longwave Rad. from Vegetation     W/m²       Longwave radiation received from vegetation layers above (see remark 1)
Longwave Rad. from Environment    W/m²       Longwave radiation received from buildings (see remark 1)
Water Flux                        g/(m²s)    Water flux from/to the ground surface
Sky-View Factor                   0..1       Sky View factor for z=0 (buildings only counted)
Building Height                   m          Height of building top (0 if no building assigned)
Surface Albedo                    0..1       Albedo of ground surface (see remark 2)
Deposition Speed                  mm/s       Deposition flux of analysed pollutant component 
Mass Deposed                      µg/m²      Mass deposed at ground surface in µg
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