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Evaluations & Reviews


A system like ENVI-met generates a huge amount of different data about many different aspects of the environmental system observed. It is impossible to assess and evaluate all these data in one. Moreover, a model is a model and the reality is the reality. There is a conceptual difference in both systems, hence a complex program cannot be “validated” against the reality, even this is often asked for.

Monitoring and measuring the “real” world is also subject to many pitfalls and uncertainties like the modelling work. Just because you have read the data from your measurement device does not mean that this is the “reality”. A different person with, maybe, a different device, coming just 2 minutes after you to a location considered as the same spot may read data more different to yours than the complete model will show in the complete domain.

Therefore we think that “validation” is a task that may be possible in a controlled environment with a limited set of variables, but not in a real world environmental system and not in the constellation simplified model against selective measured point data. Hence, we will use the term “evaluation” in the context ENVI-met which is much more open for discussion than a right-or-wrong checklist a validation would require.

ENVI-met is a pure physical based model. The quality of the model results will, if we neglect programming errors and conceptual flaws, in the first row depend on the accuracy of the input data provided. If –for example- the material properties do not fit, the model will not calculate the correct material temperatures for you. It is also completely ok to work with default data from the model. But don't expect that, for example, the 'Asphalt road' in the default database will match an asphalt road at your place - and consequently, the calculated values won't be the same as well.

After these lines of warning and disclaiming, next you will find a list of research projects, studies, papers etc. which we think are representative for the behaviour of ENVI-met as it is today

Evaluation Studies

Urban Fabric Types and Microclimate Response -Assessment and Design Improvement A very comprehensive Austrian project on the impact of urban structures on microclimate based on ENVI-met 4 simulations including evaluation with measurements. (Projekt Report)

Recent Trends and Remaining Limitations in Urban Microclimate Models A recent (2015) meta study on the usage of microscale model to simulate urban climate over the past 10 years. (Open Urban Studies and Demography Journal, 2015)

Use And Evaluation of The Envi-met Model for Two Different Urban Forms in Cairo, Egypt: Measurements and Model Simulations. A validation study (2013) performed in Egypt on the impact of urban desin on thermal comfort in Egypt. (Conference Paper)

Evaluation of a microclimate model for predicting the thermal behaviorof different ground surfaces A validation on microclimate performance in South China. (Building and Environment, 2013)

Urban tree design approaches for mitigating daytime urban heat island effects in a high-density urban environment Analysis on the efect of vegetation shading and wind paths on air temperature and radiative temperature compared with meassurements in Hong Kong. (Energy & Buildings, 2015)

Comparative analysis of green actions to improve outdoor thermal comfort inside typical urban street canyons A systematic study on different heat stress mitigation strategies evalueted through numerical simulation. (Urban Climate, 2015)

More studies

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