This is an old revision of the document!


Basic Questions

It is easy to install, does it work right of the box?

Yes and No. On one hand, ENVI-met is a “normal” Windows program, on the other hand, it has system requirements that other programs don't have. You might experience trouble you don't have with other programs just because of bad resource management. Also, ENVI-met constantly reads from and writes to the memory. Just one wrong value (e.g. a temperature of -9999 degree) can kill the whole simulation run. In other pieces of software you might only realize a short non-logical behavior…

ENVI-met will grab all the CPU power it can get. But it does not force Windows to give him all the CPU power, so you can switch to other applications if you have enough memory. ENVI-met reacts only from time to time in WINDOWS messages, so the program might appear as “frozen” although it is still working fine.

Theoretically yes, but it will be probably much slower compared to a generic PC (although a lot of progress has been done in virtualisation in the last time..). Better make a dual boot on the Mac if you plan to run ENVI-met on your own machine. For the real number crunching, you might also consider Cloud Computing

This feature is not implemented at the moment. If you cancel your simulation, you have to start from the beginning.

The main problem with dynamic versions is that the automatic code optimization does not work because the layout of the memory is unknown at compile time. But for a numerical model like ENVI-met code optimization is required, otherwise the model will run significantly slower.

What about a 100 x 400 grid version? It is the same amount of grids…

The size 250x250x30 is the maximum size possible for a 32Bit application. Also, it is the maximum size that is reasonable as far as computation time is concerned. In the future will will think of methods for distributed computing which allows lager areas to be simulated. We provide ENVI-met as it is. We will not create special customized versions for you.

There are papers about photocatalytic NO degration, water spray cooling or the cool TreePass. Where are they in my version?

There are 3 different versions of ENVI-met (see ENVI-met)

  • Standard: The free software you can download
  • Professional: Additional modules and functionality
  • Expert: More advanced modules and features only available within our consulting services

You can add the functionalities of the Professional version by buying a license from us. However, many advanced features are only in our Expert version which we use for consulting and is not available for the public.

Simulation Trouble Questions

I get a “Floating point error” or a “Division by zero” error. This is probably due to some programming bug, isn't it?

It might be. But most probably it is an issue of numerical stability that causes these problems. There are billions of operations executed in ENVI-met each minute and every user (including us) wishes, it would be more. Almost any of the variables calculated depend on other variables in space and time. Hence, it might happen that one variable runs wild and hold an unrealistic values. If you are lucky, this error will be corrected by some other systems dynamics, but it may also be that case that a variable unexpectedly went e.g. to zero and is used for a division in the next operation. This must trigger an error. But this does not mean that the program has a programming error, but the dataset got broken. Checking the validity of data before every operation is not possible as the would increase the calculation into infinite. We have introduced heaps of “intelligent” routines into ENVI-met to auto-correct the most common problems. But, it is still a sophisticated numerical tool and these runtime errors belong to numerical modeling like woodchip to carpenters…

There is no general solution why a model is not running correctly. In most cases you have to try different things to get a stable simulation if there are problems occurring. However, here are some things to check, if your configuration does not work:

  • If ENVI-met crashes at the beginning, check the log output on the screen. Probably some files are missing or. Use the “Check Model” option to generate a check output.
  • Check if your input files and database files are ok and hold realistic values.
  • Is WINDOWS working properly ? ENVI-met allocates huge areas of memory for data storing. If a program has “gone wild” or WINDOWS has had some serious problems before or during the model run, it might have happened that the stored data are destroyed. Don't run ENVI-met if you are low on memory. Make sure that ENVI-met runs in your physical memory NOT in swapped memory !

This can always happen to such a complex numerical like ENVI-met. We have invested a lot of time to increase the internal intelligence of ENVI-met. The recent version can handle a lot of trouble situations by itself and find a solution to ensure a proper model run. However, sometimes things simply don't work, and here are some clues what to do:

  • Don't be sad or frustrated! Remember that you are working with a complex numerical model.
  • Try to extend your model area via “Nesting Cells” if your have trouble with the flow.
  • Move complex buildings away from the model border
  • Extend the vertical extension of the model
  • Decrease the time step if the model gets unstable in the normal calculation loop.
  • Consider simplifying your model. It's not the real world either, so you can adjust some very complex corners to an easier configuration

WINDOWS and computer specific questions

Although it looks messy, it is correct. ENVI-met does not react on any WINDOWS messages such as “Redraw yourself” during the simulation in order to save time. It restores the window from time to time.

ENVI-met only uses one thread for the simulation (see next 2 FAQ's). Hence, if your system has more than one CPU core, ENVI-met only uses one of the CPU cores. Although this single core is used a 100%, the overall usage is only 50% (or 25% if you have 4 cores, and so on) if the other cores are without tasks.

Yes, if you have enough memory and enough CPU cores free. Every instance of ENVI-met requires one CPU core plus 1 core is needed by the operation system. So if you have 4 cores, you can theoretically run 3 ENVI-mets. Allow each ENVI-met a free memeory of 3 GB to be used.

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