This is an old revision of the document!


Copyrights are a sensible issue in the digital age. Many people have contributed to different elements and sections of this Guide. Some of them are based of public founded money, others on M.Sc and Ph.D. Thesis and again others on simply enough spare time to write up something that might be interesting for you. We also know, that many elements of the ENVI-met documentations have found there own lifes in other publications of any kind.
As long as we do have the privilege to find time to work on ENVI-met and its documentation, the contents stored here are published under the Creative Commons License Model, exactely under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license (what a word…)”

This is our license. See more here: CC License by-nc-sa

This license does only cover the contents of the Guide itself. It does not cover the content of any external link and not of the software and documents linked and referenced in this guide.


Here is an alphabetical list of people who have contributed to this site with material, time or knowledge. For practical reasons, we do not reference to them individually in each and every chapter. The whole page is copyright © ENVI-MET GmbH, Essen

  • Michael Bruse
  • Sebastian Huttner
  • Jan Hofmeyer
  • Daniel Seeger
  • Helge Simon
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