Example: Playground

An ENVI-met training package

The Playground model is a small (100 x 100 x 20 Grids) model that shows a simple layout including the use of receptors. T

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The ENVI-met Playground is the place to work on your first project, test your skills, and learn about typical urban climate phenomena, as well as how to analyze, identify and tackle thermal hazards with ENVI-met. For that we have created two different scenarios for comparison. One representing a status quo and one containing measures to optimize thermal comfort. With the Playground, you gain access to a comprehensive set of ENVI-met project data, giving you the flexibility to fully customize your model area, tweak simulation settings, and select your own meteorological conditions to run detailed microclimate simulations. Whatever you want to try out, the Playground provides you with the tools to explore and experiment.

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https://www.envi-met.info/public/files/stable/playground.zip Model Files (Complete project data: Input & Output files Please extract into a folder in your workspace directory. → View File Reference
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