This is an old revision of the document!

[BUILDING] Section


Buildings are active elements of the model area, therefore a number of data is required to simulate then correctly.

In this version, the same settings are applied to each building. It is not possible to define different thermal properties or colours for a single house. This is still future work.

The thermal complex of the building system is defined by the indoor temperature (which is kept constant during a model run) and the heat transmission through the walls and the roof. In addition, the albedo of the walls and the roofs are needed. They represent the colour of the house.

Please note, that model roofs are always “flat”. At the moment it is not possible to construct inclined roof surfaces.
It is also still not possible to simulate heat storage in the walls.

00: [BUILDING]__________________________________Building properties
01: Inside Temperature [K]                       293
02: Heat Transmission Walls [W/m²K]              1.94
03: Heat Transmission Roofs [W/m²K]              6
04: Albedo Walls                                 0.2
05: Albedo Roofs                                 0.3

What do the lines mean?

01: Inside Temperature (Default 293 K)

Indoor temperature for all buildings. Constant during simulation run.

02,03 Heat transmission through walls and roofs

(Default 1.94, 6.0)

High values indicate low insulated walls and roofs and the other way round.
Refer to literature to find out more about realistic transmission values.

04,05 Albedo Walls and Roofs

(Default 0.2,0.3)

Reflectivity of the wall and roof surface.
(Values are average for a mid-European town. For sure you need different values for a city in Greece, for example)

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