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ENVI-met Applications Homepage

There is no 'big' central application doing all the work - ENVI-met is a collection of several stand-alone applications for different stages and tasks of the work flow. On this page you find the overview over the applications belonging to the ENVI-met system. Follow the links to the individual homepages to learn more about the apps.

Main Applications

The “core” applications (including the core model itself) where you will spent a lot of time

Headquarter The quick access to all applications and the cockpit for running your simulations.

ENVI-met (Core) This is the central calculation module, the “ENVI-met Model” itself.

Spaces Designing your area

LEONARDO 2014 Analyse your model results and create 2D and 3D maps.

BioMet A post processing tool for ENVI-met output files to calculate PMV/PPD, PET or UTCI

Helper Applications

These are the “smaller” applications - but never the less very important for your simulation work

DBManager Having the right data is the key to any successful simulation. With the DBManager you can edit, add or modify all kind of materials, soils or other physical settings used in ENVI-met.

Albero Manage the 3D vegetation

ProjectWizard Create new simulations files (.SIMX) or edit existing ones on an interactive basis.

EagleEye Navigate to your area using Google Earth and create a background for digitizing on the fly.

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