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ENVI-met (Core Model)

Software Concept

Like always, ENVI-met V4 is free and comes along as a complete model including the full set of features. In addition to the free version (“ENVI-met Standard”), there is a Professional version with additional analysis modules and an Expert Version with advanced modelling features. The list below summarizes the basic differences between the 3 versions:

Standard Version

  • Free
  • Full ENVI-met Model, no limitations
  • Complete software suite from database editing, over construction to results analysis and visualisation.
  • New 7 nodes/ 3 layers facade model with prognostic calculation of indoor temperature
  • Not restrictions is use

Professional Version

  • Must be licensed
  • Additional calculation modules: Solar Access Analysis, Pollutant dispersion chemistry,…)
  • Single Walls as design elements
  • Additional model output (building physics)
  • More and comfortable options for analysing model results


Expert Version

  • Not available for public, only used in our research projects & consulting
  • Coupling with large scale modells
  • Further simulation modules (blue technologies, photocatalytic NOx degration,…)
  • Advanced modelling for landscape architecture (Plant Comfort Analysis PCAS, Water demand simulation,…)
  • Integrated Building Energy Simulation
  • Next generation simulation technologies, some of them future features of V5

Moving over from V3.1

The documention from V4 is not ready yet. Most of the general itmes of V3.1 can still be used, but there are considerable differences in details. A short overview can be found here.

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