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1D-Model Files

ENVI-met runs a one-dimensional model parallel to the main (3D) model in order to have produce different initial and boundary conditions.
The state of the 1D model is saved each time the main data of the model are saved. These files are written in simple ASCII format and you can find them in the \inflow folder.

(output folder)\Inflow\Inflow MySim <time> <date>.1D

What is in the files?

NR        FIELD         UNIT           MEANING  

1         z             m              Height of Data
2         u             m/s            Wind speed u-component
3         v             m/s            Wind speed v-component
4         T             K              Air temperature
5         q             g/kg           Specific Humidity Air
6         Ri                           Richardson Number
7         Km            m2/s           Exchange Coefficient Impulse
8         E             m2/s2          Turbulent Kinetic Energy
9         eps           m3/s2          Dissipation of TKE
10        E_prod                       Production of E
11        E_therm                      Thermal E production
12        E_trans                      Transport of E
13        Km_limit      m2/s           Limit of Km if using E-eps model
14        L_diag        m              Mixing Length calculated using the diagnostic approach
15        L_prog        m              Mixing Length calculated from the E/eps data
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