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ENVI-met crashes, what can I do?

Although these problems have reduced significantly since the first version was released in 1997, sometimes there might still be problems with the operating system itself. In general there are two kinds of crashes: System crashes and Program crashes. Situations, in which ENVI-met fails to produce a solution but stops under controlled conditions are handled in the next section.

System crashes

There are at least 1.001 reasons why WINDOWS can crash. You can lower the chance of crashes by doing the following things:

ENVI-met crashes

Different to system crashes, this means that you get an error message on the screen.

Under some conditions ENVI-met produces nonsense running under WINDOWS. This results mainly in Errors in Floating point calculations when the initial turbulence field is calculated or other abnormal termination during the initialization. This problem can sometimes overcome by turning off the computer and reboot it and then restart ENVI-met. Also, there might be thermal problem with your CPU - you should check this.

Another reason might be bad memory modules - especially when the last Byte of physical memory is used you might experience trouble you normally won't get. In fact, a buggy memory module is of course always buggy, but in other programs you might not see the effect.

Some other things to check, if your configuration does not work: