General Information

Ecological Climatology by Grodon Bonan A free textbook giving a good (basic) introduction into microclimate with a special focus on its interaction with vegetation (or other way round)

Climate Booklet for Urban Development A general introduction into climate related urban planning. English translation based on the famous 1977 “Städtebauliche Klimafibel” from Stuttgart, Germany.

Introduction to climate dynamics and climate modelling An excellent online textbook covering the fundamentals of climate dynamics and numerical modelling. It includes a small quiz at the end of each chapter.

Numerical recipes in ... The classic textbooks for numerical modelling and all other areas of scientific computing. The older editions are freely available (there have not been too many new insights on how to solve PDE's and similar in the last 10 years, so even the older editions should be perfect helpers…)

Algorithmic Botany Lab A huge resource of papers and software concerning the modelling of plants in general and trees in specific

Ecological Climatology by Grodon Bonan A free textbook giving a good (basic) introduction into microclimate with a special focus on its interaction with vegetation (or other way round)