====== Output Files: Solar access data (_SA_) ====== [[filereference:output:start|← go back to Output File Index]], **See also:** () ^ Dimension ^ Nr Variables ^ Format ^ | depends | depends| Binary (EDX/EDT) | **Solar Access Data** Contains the solar access of the surface and buildings on March 21, June 21, September 23, December 21, and the start date of your simulation. The solar access data files are produced at the beginning of the simulation. ==== Variable list ==== This list represents the general variable structure. The actual sequence of the variables might differ but the same information is stored in total. ===Solar Access Surface (_SA_) === | |**Variable** |**Unit** |**Description** | | |z Topo| m | Description | | |Buildings| Flag | Description| | |Building Height| m | Description| | |Index z node Terrain| - | Description| | |Index z node Biomet| - | Description| | |z Biomet absolute| m | Description| | |SkyViewFactor| - | Description | | |Sun hours Terrain level DATE| h | Description| | |Shadow hours Terrain level DATE| h | Description| | |Sun hours Biomet level DATE| h | Description| | |Shadow hours Biomet level DATE| h | Description| ===Solar Access Building (_SAFAC_) === | |**Variable** |**Unit** |**Description** | | |Wall Sunhours DATE | h | Description | | |Wall Shadow hours DATE | h | Description|