====== Output Files: Solar access data (_SA_) ====== [[filereference:output:start|← go back to Output File Index]], **See also:** () ^ Dimension ^ Nr Variables ^ Format ^ |2D |27 | Binary (EDX/EDT) | **Solar Access Data** Contains the solar access at the surface and at Biomet level (z-level closest to 1.8 m height) for March 21, June 21, September 23, December 21, and the start date of your simulation. The solar access data files are produced at the beginning of the simulation. ==== Variable list ==== This list represents the general variable structure. The actual sequence of the variables might differ but the same information is stored in total. ===Solar Access Surface (_SA_) === | |**Variable** |**Unit** |**Description** | | |z Topo| m | Description | | |Buildings| Flag | Description| | |Building Height| m | Description| | |Index z node Terrain| - | Description| | |Index z node Biomet| - | Description| | |z Biomet absolute| m | Description| | |SkyViewFactor| - | Description | | |Sun hours Terrain level DATE| h | Description| | |Shadow hours Terrain level DATE| h | Description| | |Sun hours Biomet level DATE| h | Description| | |Shadow hours Biomet level DATE| h | Description| (last block repeated for 5 dates: 21.03, 21.06, 23.09, 21.12 and date of simulation)