====== Output Files: Receptor data ====== //***Work in Progress...***// ^ Dimension ^ Nr Variables ^ Format ^ | 1D | depends | 1D data for atmosphere, surface/flux, and soil data | **Receptor Data** Contains the state of the receptors data in your model area, divided into atmospheric, surface/flux, and soil data. The receptor data files are produced each receptor output interval (default: 10 min) and represent the general state of the receptor at the given model time. The atmosphere and soil data are saved as a file for each individual output that contains the information for every cell height (1DR file). Additionally, the data over the whole simulation time is saved in one file (1DT). The flux data is only saved in a 1DT file. ==== Variable list ==== This list represents the general variable structure. The actual sequence of the variables might differ but the same information is stored in total. ===Atmosphere Data=== | |**Variable** |**Unit** |**Description** | | |Date| - | Simulation date | | |Time| - | Simulation time | | |modtime| min | Minutes passed since the start of the simulation | | |z| m | Height in metres | | |u| m/s| Wind speed. Vector component along the West-East axis (+: East, -: West)| | |v| m/s| Wind speed. Vector component along the North-South axis (+: South, -: North)| | |w| m/s| Wind speed. Vector component along the vertical axis (+: up, -: down)| | |wSpeed| m/s| Wind speed. Vector sum over all 3 axis| | |wDir| deg | Wind direction of horizontal component in geographic reference (0: N..90:E..180:S etc)| | |T| °C| Potential air temperature at reference (and model default) pressure. For the 3D model, it can be treated like the absolute air temperature| | |dT/dt| K/h | Air temperature change between current and last time step| | |q| g/kg| Specific air humidity| | |q.rel| %| Relative air humidity (Caution: Depends both on Specific air humidity and air temperature)| | |Km.vert| - | Vertical exchange coefficient of the impulse| | |Km.vert.rel| - | Vertical exchange coefficient of the impulse normed with a neutral Km| | |Km.hor| - | Horizontal exchange coefficient of the impulse| | |E| m²/m³ | Local Turbulent Kinetic Energy| | |Eps| m³/m³ | Local dissipation rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy| | |Tmrt| °C | The composed radiative fluxes and air temperature for a standing person| | |LAD| m²/m³ |One-sided Leaf Area Density (Surface of leaf area per m³ air)| | |Tleaf| °C | Leaf temperature, if no tree is in the cell, it is set to 0°C| | |Hleaf| W/m² | Sensible heat from Leaf Area Unit if a plant is present| | |LEleaf| W/m² | Latent heat from Leaf Area Unit if a plant is present| | |Rs| s/m | Stomata resistance of leaves in grid box| | |CO2| mg/m³ | Locall CO2| | |CO2.flx| mg/kg*s | Local CO2 flux at plants | | |SW.dir| W/m²| Incoming direct shortwave radiation| | |SW.dif| W/m²| Incoming diffuse shortwave radiation| | |Press.p| Pa | Pressure Perturbation - Dynamic pressure as a result of the wind field calculation. Pressure values will add up over time, use spatial difference values only if required| | |Mass| microgram/kg | Concentration of different species in air| | |E.mech| m²/m³| Mechanic turbulent kinetic energy if in free atmosphere| | |Rlw.warming| K/h | Temperature divergence due to longwave fluxes| | |SVF.bldg| - | Amount of only buildings that can be seen from the grid cell| | |SVF.bldg+veg| - | Amount of buildings and vegetation that can be seen from the grid cell| | |dT_CoolingSetpoint| K | Temperature difference to a cooling temperature of 26 °C| | |CoolingHours| h | Needed cooling hours to keep temperature below 26 °C| | |dT_HeatingSetpoint| K | Temperature difference to a heating temperature of 22 °C| | |HeatingHours| h | Needed heating hours to keep temperature above 22 °C| ===Surface/Flux Data=== | |**Variable** |**Unit** |**Description** | | |Date| - | Simulation date | | |Time| - | Simulation time | | |modtime| min | Minutes passed since the start of the simulation | | |z| m | Height in metres | | |T0| °C | Temperature of the surface| | |dT0/dt| K/h | Temperature change between current and last time step| | |q0| g/kg| Humidity of surface| | |uv1| m/s | Wind speed in the grid above surface. u and v components combined| | |w1| m/s | Wind speed in the grid above surface. w component| | |T1| °C | Temperature in the grid above surface| | |H| W/m²| Sensible heat flux of the surface| | |LE| W/m²| Latent heat flux of the surface| | |G| W/m²| Soil/Ground heat flux of the surface| | |Km0| - | Vertical exchange coefficient at surface| | |Kh0| - | Horizontal exchange coefficient at surface| | |Qsw.dir| W/m²| Shortwave direct radiation incidenting at grid surface point| | |Qsw.dif| W/m²| Shortwave direct radiation incidenting at grid surface point| | |Qsw.refl_in| W/m² | Average reflection of buildings at grid surface point| | |Qlw.Budg| W/m²| Longwave radiation budget at grid surface point| | |Qlw.upperHemisphere| W/m²| Longwave radiation coming in from the upper hemisphere| ===Soil Data=== | |**Variable** |**Unit** |**Description** | | |Date| - | Simulation date | | |Time| - | Simulation time | | |modtime| min | Minutes passed since the start of the simulation | | |-z| cm | Depth in centimetres | | |T| °C | Soil temperature| | |Vol_WaterContent| m³/m³ | Volumetric water content of soil, i.e. the quantity of water contained in the natural soil| | |Temperature_Diffusifity| *10e6 | Thermal diffusity of soil|