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Step 1: Getting started

Start LEONARDO or create a new empty map by using the “New Map” button or the menu entry “File | New Map”


Each map consists of different layers of information which can be switched on and of by clicking on the green or red dot beside the name of the map layer (see Step 7).

The following layers are available:

Data:          Displays Continuous Data (e.g. temperatures)
Special:       Displays Singular Data (e.g. buildings)
Vector:        Displays Vectors
               (composed out of  2 data fields, one for the x- the other for the y-component) 
Metafile:      Displays a WINDOWS-Metafile on the Map
Isoline:       Displays data as isolines (contour lines)
Symbol:        Displays data refering to 1 (or 100%) as an empty (0) to full (1 or 100%) circle (there are no real applications in ENVI-met for this layer type)

Next Step: Using the DataNavigator

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