This is an old revision of the document!

Installed features

This page demonstrates the use of installed plug-ins of the dokuwiki running on the ENVI-met server. If you think that an important plug-in is missing, please send a mail

Math type

We have installed the MathJax plug-in. This allows to write mathematical formulas, variables etc inline (like $x_i$) or as in “display-style” like

$$ e=m \cdot c^2$$

using the standard $\LaTeX$ syntax. That should not only make text writing much easier (no equations as bitmaps required), also you can copy&paste most of the already existing documentation math directly into the wiki. Rendering of the equations is done client-side using JavaScript and an external server. Therfore, for a moment the original syntax will appear before it is replaced by the graphical output.

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