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ENVI-met powered by Python

Make use of our netCDF output format to create output maps easily and quickly using python.

Here is some sample code:

  1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. import netCDF4
  4. def plot_map(netCDFfile, varName):
  5. nc = netCDF4.Dataset(netCDFfile) # path to your ENVI-met netCDF output file e.g. "T:/enviprojects/Berlin/output/NetCDF/"
  7. print(nc.variables.keys()) # shows all available variables e.g. "Potential_Air_Temperature", "Relative_Humidity"
  8. print(len(nc.variables['Time'])) # shows how many timesteps are inside the netCDF output
  10. dataAr = nc.variables[varName][5][1][:][:] # first index is the output timestep (here 5), second index is the height level (here 1)
  11. gridJAr = nc.variables['GridsJ'][:]
  12. gridIAr = nc.variables['GridsI'][:]
  14. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10*len(gridIAr) / len(gridJAr), 10)) # determines the resolution of the figure
  15. ax.set_aspect(1) # scales the aspect ratio
  16. contour = plt.contourf(gridIAr, gridJAr, dataAr, cmap=twilight_shifted, levels=100) # cmap defines the colorramp, levels defines the number of color gradients
  18. plt.colorbar(contour, ax=ax, label=varName, location='right', shrink=0.4) # defines the legend
  20. plt.title('ENVI-met powered by python') # adds a title
  21. plt.xlabel('meters') # adds the x label
  22. plt.ylabel('meters') # adds the y label
  24. #plt.figtext(0.5, 0.01, 'footnote center', ha='center', va='center', fontsize='small') # option to add a centered footnote
  25. #plt.figtext(0.98, 0.02, 'footnote right', ha='right', va='bottom', fontsize='small') # option to add a footnote on the lower right corner
  27. # Show the plot
  28. # shows the plot
  30. #plt.savefig('D:/_images/' + varName + '.png', bbox_inches=0) # option to save the figure
  31. #plt.close()
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