====== Soil Database SOILS.DAT ====== * defines soil material In this file, all information about different natural soils and seal materials are stored. Each material has its own two-letter ID which is then used in the ''PROFILS.DAT'' database to define different vertical soil profiles. The standard version of this file looks like that: 00: ID V ns nfc nwilt matpot hydr CP b Hcn Name......(40z).... 00: ss b xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx x[10-6] [10+6] xxxxxx xxxxxx ssssssssssssssssssss 01: 00 0 0.451 0.240 0.155 -0.478 7.0 1.212 5.39 0.00 Default Soil (Loam) 02: sd 0 0.395 0.135 0.0068 -0.121 176.0 1.463 4.05 0.00 Sand 03: ls 0 0.410 0.150 0.075 -0.090 156.3 1.404 4.38 0.00 Loamy Sand 04: sl 0 0.435 0.195 0.114 -0.218 34.1 1.320 4.90 0.00 Sandy Loam 05: sl 0 0.485 0.255 0.179 -0.786 7.2 1.271 5.30 0.00 Silt Loam 06: le 0 0.451 0.240 0.155 -0.478 7.0 1.212 5.39 0.00 Loam 07: ts 0 0.420 0.255 0.175 -0.299 6.3 1.175 7.12 0.00 Sandy Clay Loam 08: tl 0 0.477 0.322 0.218 -0.356 1.7 1.317 7.75 0.00 Silty Clay Loam 09: lt 0 0.476 0.325 0.250 -0.630 2.5 1.225 8.52 0.00 Clay Loam 10: st 0 0.426 0.310 0.219 -0.153 2.2 1.175 10.40 0.00 Sandy Clay 11: ts 0 0.492 0.370 0.283 -0.490 1.0 1.150 10.40 0.00 Silty Clay 12: to 0 0.482 0.367 0.286 -0.405 1.3 1.089 11.40 0.00 Clay 13: tf 0 0.863 0.500 0.395 -0.356 8.0 0.836 7.75 0.00 Peat 14: zb 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 2.083 0.00 1.63 Cement Concrete 15: mb 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 1.750 0.00 2.33 Mineral Concrete 16: ak 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 2.214 0.00 1.16 Asphalt (with Gravel) 17: ab 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 2.251 0.00 0.90 Asphalt (with Basalt) 18: gr 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 2.345 0.00 4.61 Granite 19: ba 1 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.0 2.386 0.00 1.73 Basalt 20: ww 2 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.00 Water ===== What do the lines and columns mean? ===== The first two lines are not interpreted by ENVI-met, but must remain in the file as they are headers and needed to check if the format of the file is correct. The meaning of the columns is: ==== ==== ID: The two-digit ID which links the Soils with the Profile Data in PROFILES.DAT V: Kind of Soil; 0: Normal Soil, 1: Sealing Material (no water exchange), 2: Deep Water ns: Volumetric Water Content at Saturation in [m3m-3] nfc: Volumetric Water Content at Field Capacity in [m3m-3] nwilt: Volumetric Water Content at Wilting Point (for the vegetation model) in [m3m-3] matpot Matrix Potential at Saturation in [m] hydr: Hydraulic Conductivity at Saturation in [ms-1]* 10-6 (!) CP: Volumetric Heat Capacity in [Jm-3K-1]* 106 (!) b: Clapp & Hornberger Constant HCN: Heat Conductivity of the Material in [Wm-1K-1] Name: A given Name for Identification ===== ===== The first 13 (01-13) entries are "real" soils and the parameter listed are taken from hydraulic scheme by Clapp & Hornberger (78), CH hereafter.\\ Real soils do not have information about their heat conductivity, as it is calculated with respect to the actual water content.\\ This list is normally complete, as it covers all soils types defined by CH. Nevertheless, studies exists for special soils, so you might want to add something to this list. **Please note that these database do not contain information about soil wetness, it only contains texture data!** Entries (14) to (19) define a selection of different sealing materials. As those "soils" do not allow water transfer, they don't have values for the CH scheme. Different to the normal soils, the heat conductivity must be given here. Line number (20) defines the special soil "water" and is more or less a dummy which is needed because the input routines makes no differences between water and other soils when setting up the model grid.\\ The only information needed is the ID and the number "2" for a water body. **Important to know:** * You must strictly follow the column format as pre-defined in this file. The first line shows, where the entry fields begin and where they end. If you scramble this format, ENVI-met cannot resolve the entries. This file is not as user friendly as the .CF file! * ENVI-met doesn't check the data entered in this file as it expects that this file is only modified by specialists. If you are not sure that you are one of them, leave this file alone.