====== Additional Optional Sections ====== ===== A. Sources ===== The Sources section begins with the keyword ''\SOURCES'' followed by the complete grid matrix like in the ''\PLANTS'' section.\\ This section defines the position of different sources in the model domain. As the concept is the same as for plants, this section is not displayed here.\\ Any source will be referenced using the two-char ID as defined in ''[[Sources Database SOURCES.DAT|SOURCES.DAT]]'' or a [[[LOCALDB]|Local Database]]. The two-char ID is non-case sensitive, "XX" is the same as "xx"!\\ Sources that are inserted in the Area Input File but cannot be found in a database when starting the model will be ignored. ===== B. Receptors ===== Receptors inside the model area are defined using the ''\RECEPTOR'' section. The concept is the same as for the plants explained in the section before. Each receptor is defined by a unique two-char ID. If duplicate receptors are found, the first defined receptor is used, the others are ignored. For more information about receptors click [[kb:receptors|here]]. ===== C. Database-Links ===== The database section has no function in ENVI-met. It is used for other programs such as BOTworld (see ''UNCONVERTED WINHELP MACRO:! ExecFile'' www.botworld.info) to link certain grid points with database entries. ===== D. DEM ===== This sections defines a so-called "inline" digital elevation model. The recent version of ENVI-met does not support orography, but ENVI-met already holds a number of interfaces to include it in future versions.